Размещено 12.02.2019
Среднемесячная выручка
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Среднемесячные расходы
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Среднемесячная прибыль
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Окупаемость, мес
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Описание проекта

The company was founded in 2014 with an initial investment of 10 000 €. The first production base was situated on a small parcel of 750m2 and an indoor garage of 50m2. However, this was not an obstacle for the young and ambitious team to come up with the loud name MEGAPARTS.

For a short period of 5 years, without any additional investment, the team had been continuously growing and now has reached the scale of the largest and most famous company for purchasing cars and selling auto parts all over the country.

MEGAPARTS's ambitions are not restricted to the local Bulgarian market. Up to this moment, the company is a world-wide leader in disassembling cars and selling theirs parts online.

50, 000% capital growth over a 5-year period.20, 000 + fully disassembled vehicles.2, 000, 000 + dismantled, barcoded auto parts were uploaded to our web sites400, 000 + serviced customers (at 2, 500, 000 registered cars throughout the country)700, 000 + sold auto partsThe largest market share in Bulgaria$12, 000, 000 + turnover$4, 000, 000 + revenue from scrap materialsWe managed to redeem all bigger auto parts dealers in our growth periodWe developed our own software solution, serving the main processes in the company

Сайт компании

Характеристики проекта

Основная информация о бизнесе
  • Среднемесячная выручка По запросу
  • Среднемесячная прибыль По запросу
  • Среднемесячные расходы По запросу
  • Окупаемость, мес По запросу
  • Доходность инвестиций, % По запросу
  • Патент Не указано
  • Стадия проекта Действующий бизнес
Преимущества и уникальность проекта
Стратегия маркетинга и продаж
Модели и каналы монетизации
Адреса, география ведения бизнеса
  • География
    ведения бизнеса
  • Адрес По запросу
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